Preprint: bioRxiv

SiRCle (Signature Regulatory Clustering) model integration reveals mechanisms of phenotype regulation in renal cancer

Ariane Mora^1, Christina Schmidt^2,3, Brad Balderson1, Christian Frezza3#, Mikael Bodén1#

  1. School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, University of Queensland, Molecular Biosciences Building 76, St Lucia QLD 4072, Australia.

  2. Medical Research Council Cancer Unit, University of Cambridge, Hutchison/MRC Research Centre, Box 197, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge CB2 0X2, United Kingdom

  3. CECAD Research Center, University Hospital Cologne, Joseph-Stelzmann-Str. 26, 50931 Cologne, Germany

^Joint first authors #Joint last authors

Note Christina and Ariane are equal joint first authors and the authors may swap the order of their names as they so choose :)


Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) tumours develop and progress via complex remodelling of the kidney epigenome, transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome. Given the subsequent tumour and inter-patient heterogeneity, drug-based treatments report limited success, calling for multi-omics studies to extract regulatory relationships, and ultimately, to develop targeted therapies. However, current methods are unable to extract nonlinear multi-omics perturbations.

Here, we present SiRCle (Signature Regulatory Clustering), a novel method to integrate DNA methylation, RNA-seq and proteomics data. Applying SiRCle to a case study of ccRCC, we disentangle the layer (DNA methylation, transcription and/or translation) where dysregulation first occurs and find the primary biological processes altered. Next, we detect regulatory differences between patient subsets by using a variational autoencoder to integrate omics’ data followed by statistical comparisons on the integrated space. In ccRCC patients, SiRCle allows to identify metabolic enzymes and cell-type-specific markers associated with survival along with the likely molecular driver behind the gene’s perturbations.



The general table of how we define regulatory clusters.

    | Methylation      | RNAseq    | Proteomics | Regulation driver_1          | Regulation driver_2     | Regulation_Grouping1 | Regulation_Grouping2 | Regulation_Grouping3 |
    | Hypermethylation | DOWN      | DOWN       | Methylation increase (MDS)   | None                    | MDS                  | MDS                  | MDS                  |
    | Hypermethylation | UP        | DOWN       | mRNA increase (TPDE)         | Protein decrease (TMDS) | TPDE+TMDS            | TPDE+TMDS            | TMDS                 |
    | Hypermethylation | UP        | UP         | mRNA increase (TPDE)         | None                    | TPDE                 | TPDE                 | TPDE                 |
    | Hypermethylation | DOWN      | UP         | Methylation increase (MDS)   | Protein increase (TMDE) | MDS+TMDE             | TMDE                 | TMDE                 |
    | Hypermethylation | No Change | UP         | mRNA increase (TPDE)         | Protein increase (TMDE) | TPDE+TMDE            | TMDE                 | TMDE                 |
    | Hypermethylation | No Change | DOWN       | mRNA increase (TPDE)         | Protein decrease (TMDS) | TPDE+TMDS            | TMDS                 | TMDS                 |
    | Hypermethylation | UP        | No Change  | mRNA increase (TPDE)         | Protein decrease (TMDS) | TPDE+TMDS            | TPDE+TMDS            | TMDS                 |
    | Hypermethylation | DOWN      | No Change  | Methylation increase (MDS)   | Protein increase (TMDE) | MDS+TMDE             | MDS+TMDE             | TMDE                 |
    | Hypermethylation | No Change | No Change  | Methylation increase (ncRNA) | None                    | MDS-ncRNA            | MDS_ncRNA            | MDS_ncRNA            |
    | Hypomethylation  | DOWN      | DOWN       | mRNA decrease (TPDS)         | None                    | TPDS                 | TPDS                 | TPDS                 |
    | Hypomethylation  | UP        | DOWN       | Methylation decrease (MDE)   | Protein decrease (TMDS) | MDE+TMDS             | TMDS                 | TMDS                 |
    | Hypomethylation  | UP        | UP         | Methylation decrease (MDE)   | None                    | MDE                  | MDE                  | MDE                  |
    | Hypomethylation  | DOWN      | UP         | mRNA decrease (TPDS)         | Protein increase (TMDE) | TPDS+TMDE            | TPDS+TMDE            | TMDE                 |
    | Hypomethylation  | No Change | UP         | mRNA decrease (TPDS)         | Protein increase (TMDE) | TPDS+TMDE            | TMDE                 | TMDE                 |
    | Hypomethylation  | No Change | DOWN       | mRNA decrease (TPDS)         | Protein decrease (TMDS) | TPDS+TMDS            | TMDS                 | TMDS                 |
    | Hypomethylation  | UP        | No Change  | Methylation decrease (MDE)   | Protein decrease (TMDS) | MDE+TMDS             | MDE+TMDS             | TMDS                 |
    | Hypomethylation  | DOWN      | No Change  | mRNA decrease (TPDS)         | Protein increase (TMDE) | TPDS+TMDE            | TPDS+TMDE            | TMDE                 |
    | Hypomethylation  | No Change | No Change  | Methylation decrease (ncRNA) | None                    | MDE+ncRNA            | MDE_ncRNA            | MDE_ncRNA            |
    | No Change        | DOWN      | UP         | mRNA decrease (TPDS)         | Protein increase (TMDE) | TPDS+TMDE            | TPDS+TMDE            | TMDE                 |
    | No Change        | UP        | DOWN       | mRNA increase (TPDE)         | Protein decrease (TMDS) | TPDE+TMDS            | TPDE+TMDS            | TMDS                 |
    | No Change        | DOWN      | DOWN       | mRNA decrease (TPDS)         | None                    | TPDS                 | TPDS                 | TPDS                 |
    | No Change        | UP        | UP         | mRNA increase (TPDE)         | None                    | TPDE                 | TPDE                 | TPDE                 |
    | No Change        | No Change | UP         | Protein increase (TMDE)      | None                    | TMDE                 | TMDE                 | TMDE                 |
    | No Change        | No Change | DOWN       | Protein decrease (TMDS)      | None                    | TMDS                 | TMDS                 | TMDS                 |
    | No Change        | UP        | No Change  | mRNA increase (TPDE)         | Protein decrease (TMDS) | TPDE+TMDS            | TPDE+TMDS            | TMDS                 |
    | No Change        | DOWN      | No Change  | mRNA decrease (TPDS)         | Protein increase (TMDE) | TPDS+TMDE            | TPDS+TMDE            | TMDE                 |
    | No Change        | No Change | No Change  | NoChange                     | NoChange                | NoChange             | NoChange             | NoChange             |

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