Computes the regulatory clustering model (RCM) using the SiRCle regulatory rules for DNA-methylation, RNAseq and Proteomics data layers (MRP).
rnaValueCol = "Log2FC",
rnaPadjCol = "padj",
methValueCol = "Diff",
methPadjCol = "padj",
proteinValueCol = "Log2FC",
proteinPadjCol = "padj",
rna_padj_cutoff = 0.05,
prot_padj_cutoff = 0.05,
meth_padj_cutoff = 0.05,
rna_FC_cutoff = 1,
prot_FC_cutoff = 0.5,
meth_Diff_cutoff = 0.1,
OutputFileName = "Sircle_RCM"
- methFile
DF for your DNA methylation data (results from differential methylation analysis)
- rnaFile
DF for your RNAseq data (results from DeSeq2 and also your normalised expression counts)
- geneID
Column name of geneId this MUST BE THE SAME in each of your protein, RNAseq and DNAmethylation files (we join on this)
Column name of RNA value in rnaFile
- rnaPadjCol
Column name of RNA p adjusted value in rnaFile
- methValueCol
Column name of Methylation difference value in methFile
- methPadjCol
Column name of Methylation p adjusted value in methFile
- proteinValueCol
Column name of protein log fold change in proteinFile
- proteinPadjCol
Column name of protein p adjusted value in proteinFile
- backgroundMethod
Optional: Background methods: "P|(M&R)", "P|M|R", "P|R", "P&R", "P&M&R", "(P&M)|(P&R)|(M&R)", "(P&M)|(P&R)" or "*". For details on the methods, please check Default="P|(M&R)"
- proteinFile
DF of you Protein data (results from DeSeq2 and also your normalised expression counts)
- rnaPadjCutoff
Optional: Padjusted cutoff for RNAseq data Default=0.05
- rnaLogFCCutoff
Optional: LogFoldchange cutoff for RNAseq data Default=0.5
- proteinPadjCutoff
Optional: Padjusted cutoff for Protein data Default=0.05
- proteinValueCutoff
Optional: LogFoldchange cutoff for Protein data Default=0.3
- methPadjCutoff
Optional: Padjusted cutoff for DNA methylation data Default=0.05
- methDiffCutoff
Optional: DNA Methylation difference cutoff for DNA methylation Default=10
- outputFileName
Optional: Output filename Default="SiRCle_RCM"